How to Date Billy Walsh, Immaculate, Abigail, Madame Web, Turtles All the Way Down

How to Date Billy Walsh dir. Alex Pillai

Watched: April 10th

I don’t know why I expected this to actually be a good film. It’s an Amazon Original that I’d not heard any hype around before its release date. For once in my life, I wasn’t rooting for the main character. I 100% believe that his best friend should have ended up with the other love interest. The movie wasn’t even good enough for me to remember the names of the characters. Jesus Christ.

Immaculate dir. Michael Mohan

Not every intervention is divine

Watched: April 20th

Sydney Sweeney can act! Which might just be my favourite thing about this one. So many people said that it was groundbreaking and one of the best horror films they had seen. I just don’t like religious horror, it seems. I’ve loved Sydney for years but this might be my least favourite of her projects.

Abigail dir. Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett

Children can be such monsters

Watched: April 30th

At the time of writing, Abigial is my favourite first watch of the year, and the only one I’ve watched more than once. It was only twice, but it’s that good it deserved a second watch. Radio Silence as a team know how to make a great film, and I’m looking to watching more from them in the future. I love Melissa too, and look forward to seeing her go even further!

Madame Web dir. S.J. Clarkson

Her web connects them all

Watched: April 4th

This is an alright film, but not good enough to be 2 hours long. It could have easily been half an hour shorter while still getting the story told in an efficient manner. I love how the cast just don’t acknowledge that they were in this film.

Turtles All the Way Down dir. Hannah Marks

You are not your thoughts

Watched: April 5th

I’ve loved John Green’s work for years, and I think it’s about time he got up and released a new book. This was an easy watch for the subject, but we’re not going to get The Fault in Our Stars excellence any time in the future but that’s okay. I remember enjoying this book, but it was that long ago that I can’t remember if the film does the original justice or not.

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All the love,

Jade x

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