310 – 314. Horrorstör, Final Girls, The Elissas, Double Booked, Where the Light Goes

This is the first post of my new book review format. I don’t know if it’ll stay this way forever, but it is what is the best option for me right now ❤

310. Horrorstör (2014) by Grady Hendrix 5/10

Content Warning: Graphic torture, body horror, gore. Moderate death

I’ve read from Grady Hendrix before, but unfortunately, Horrorstör wasn’t what I thought it was going to be, hence the 5/10 rating. I’m not really a fan of the supernatural in books in this way; I’m all for vampires and fairies and whatnot if they’re the main characters. I just don’t seem to like regular people encountering the supernatural for some reason. I do think I would have enjoyed this a lot more had it taken either the serial killer or maybe even an escape room route.

311. Final Girls (2017) by Riley Sager 7/10

Content Warning: Graphic murder, violence, blood. Moderate suicide, sexual content, mental illness

I love a good spin on a slasher trope, and this is a book that did just that. I’ve read from Riley before and he’s yet to disappoint me with his writing. This one kept me guessing up until the reveal, which took me by complete surprise; it was a plot twist that I definitely couldn’t see coming. I have a lot more of Riley’s books on my TBR so I look forward to seeing what else he has come up with.

312. The Elissas: Three Girls, One Fate, and the Deadly Secrets of Suburbia (2023) by Samantha Leach 4/10

Content Warning: Graphic drug use/abuse, addiction. Moderate death, eating disorder, alcohol. Minor cancer.

I went into this book fully thinking it was fiction, so when it started to feel like an essay, I still thought so, but that was just meant to feel like non-fiction. Turns out this is a memoir and the events actually happened. I’m not a huge fan of none fiction, and even though I didn’t know this was, I still had the same feelings I usually do as I was reading. Those feelings aside, I applaud Leach (she/her/hers) for being able to tell such a story that happened to someone so close to her.

Thank you to Sphere for the finished copy!

313. Double Booked (2022) by Lily Lindon 6/10

Content Warning: Graphic biphobia, death of parent, panic attack/disorder. Moderate homophobia, outing, grief. Minor alcohol, ableism, animal death.

At the time of writing, it has been a while since I finished Double Booked, and all I can really remember about it was that it was an okay book. I will admit, I did find myself skimming every now and then when certain chapters got a tad slow, but I do also remember being surprised at the ending. A completely different ending than what I thought it would be. Rather random, but still, a good one.

Thank you to Head of Zeus for the copy!

314. Where the Light Goes (2023) by Sara Barnard 9/10

Content Warning: Graphic grief, suicide, death. Moderate addiction, drug use, mental illness. Minor drug abuse, eating disorder.

Where the Light Goes is such a powerful book that takes an honest look into what grief truly feels like. After her sister’s death, Emmy’s life takes a serious turn for the worse, and it is truly heartbreaking having to witness her go through what will probably be one of the most difficult times in her life. This might just be the best book I’ve read in a while, and I know this because I honestly couldn’t put it down and read it over the course of only one day. It’s been a long time since that’s been the case for me. I really highly recommend you read this one, but take into consideration the CWs I’ve included above ❤

Thank you to Walker Books YA for the copy!

All the love,

Jade x

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