305. The Blackout (August 2023) by Sarah Goodwin

“You can’t outrun the past… Summer, 2022. When Meg and Cat are forced to take a dangerous shortcut home one night, they notice two men silently following them. Suddenly running for their lives, they scramble into an abandoned building to hide and wait for help …for what’s done in the dark will come to light… One year later. Attempting to escape the horrors of that fateful night, Meg barricades herself into a safehouse at the edge of a crumbling sea cliff. As a storm rages outside, a blackout plunges the house into darkness. But Meg’s not alone…and someone wants revenge.”

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Publication Date: August 31st 2023

The Blackout started off rather promising, but the further I found myself getting into the book, the more bored I seemed to find myself becoming. We started off with two friends going on a harmless night out, which somehow led to one of those friends having to change her name and seclude herself in a tiny town where nobody knows her.

Megan finds herself running from her past, and the two people who seem to want her dead for whatever she did years earlier. It took so long to figure out what it was she had done, and I do feel that this book could have been, probably, 50 or so pages shorter and earned itself the title of being fast-paced.

When I was about 15% from the end, I’ll admit, I did find myself skimming as I just wanted to be finished reading and I didn’t want to DNF as I was so close to the finish line.

I’ve heard good things about Sarah Goodwin’s writing, and I thought that she’d be for me, but unfortunately, I don’t think that she is.

Thank you to Avon Books for the ARC!

All the love,

Jade x

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