287. The Birthday Reunion (2023) by Claire Seeber

“Four friends. One dream getaway. But who will make it out alive? When the gold-rimmed invitations arrive through the doors of best friends Simone, Hannah and Vicky they’re instantly taken aback. Their ex-friend Jodie is inviting them to a lavish Mediterranean villa to celebrate her birthday. They haven’t spoken in years since she betrayed them in the worst way. So how did they make the guest list? They all have their reasons for saying yes. Stay-at-home mum Simone had her dream job snatched away. Hannah lost the love of her life. Café-owner Vicky wants the chance to help a wronged friend. Is the reunion a chance to confront Jodie and the past once and for all? Arriving at a villa that looks straight out of a movie set, the friends relax by the sumptuous pool as they wait for the other guests to arrive. But as the chilled wine is poured and the three friends reminisce, they see Jodie walking towards them with a look of shock on her face. Because Jodie didn’t invite them here. But by the end of the weekend it will become clear who did. Someone else has a reason for revenge. Who will make it out alive?”

Before I went into this one, I was expecting great things. It had a lot of potential but unfortunately, I didn’t love it.

It held an alright start, but that was about it. There was nothing I liked about it, and it look me absolutely ages to read. By the time I realised I didn’t like it and didn’t want to finish reading, I was too far into the book to DNF. I mean, realistically I could have, but I didn’t want to have wasted so long reading it for nothing to come from it.

I’ll not say anything else as I didn’t enjoy it, but I want everyone else to have a fair chance when the time comes that they read it.

Thank you to Bookouture for the ARC!

All the love,

Jade x

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