286. Better Than the Prom (2022) by Lynn Painter

“Prom night has arrived, and Wes Bennett couldn’t be less excited. Not only is he not going with Liz, the girl he’s loved his entire life, but Liz is going with Michael, the guy she’s loved her entire life. Talk about a nightmare. They manage to avoid each other at the event, but every glance he steals of her in that gown, smiling up at her date, feels like a punch to his solar plexus. But when she’s waiting for him after he ditches the dance, he realizes that nothing about the prom even matters. Because Liz Buxbaum, in Chuck Taylors and a sweatshirt under the streetlight that shines above their spot, is actually far better than the prom.”

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Just a few words for the bonus Better Than the Movies story. I did read it separately, so it gets its own post.

Of course I enjoyed it. I love seeing the same thing from multiple points of view, and I would have loved to see some more of Wes’ POV throughout the book. The sequel is going to be both Liz and Wes’ POV so I’m excited for that.

There’s not much to say about this one other than commenting on the fact that Wes felt the way I knew did anyway. Obviously he was in love with Liz, but I was shocked to learn for how long he had actually been feeling that way. A long life crush on someone who thought you were irritating has to be tough, but I love the fact that Liz finally accepted her feelings for Wes, and realised that it was him who was right for her and not Michael.

I’m looking forward to the next book, even though I already know it’s not going to be all lovey dovey and that it is going to have some tension between the two characters while they are in college.

All the love,

Jade x

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