Ranking the Scream VI Kills [SPOILERS]


With a new Scream film comes new kills to be ranked. There are a total of 11 kills, 12 if you’re talking technicalities. Some of them a lot more gruesome and time consuming than others, and a clear winner for top spot, if you ask me.

Here we go!

11. Brooks (Thomas Cadrot)

Gale’s blink and you miss him boyfriend, Brooks didn’t leave an effect on me, either dead or alive. I think he might have just been an extra character to up the kill count, and I’m okay with that.

10. Paul 2.0 (Matthew Giuffrida)

We don’t actually see Paul 2.0 being killed, and he is clearly another to up the up the kill count, and a gruesome one at that, and the fact that he would have had two Ghostfaces at him wouldn’t have made his outcome any less messy.

9. Greg

A second one we don’t actually see happening, but by the look of him, Ghostface did not hold back. There were rumours of a head being in a fridge doing its rounds on social media, but this is on a whole different level. It’s a jaw dropping reveal.

8. Bodega Clerk (Jason Cavalier)

For the first time Ghostface uses a gun before being unmasked, it was a brutal one. There was really no holding back this time around. The poor bodego owner tries his best to help Tara and Sam escape, only to get himself killed in the process.

7. Laura Crane (Samara Weaving)

The first kill of a really solid opening scene. I really didn’t want Samara Weaving to be the opening kill and when I saw her little yellow dress I was devastated. Her kill was quite weak for the first of the film, but the fact that she is a slasher film professor, you’d have thought she would have a bit more sense than to wonder up a dark alley on her own, just like Ghostface is telling her over the phone.

6. Jason Carvey (Tony Revolori)

Jason’s a weird one. He’s the one who killed Laura, but when we didn’t get a title card after his reveal, and he headed home, I knew he was next. Laura’s death lead up to his and built suspense perfectly, and the fact that he almost opened the fridge and saw Greg before his Ghostface call… He would have been in for quite the surprise.

5. Quinn Bailey (Liana Liberto)

Technically, Quinn died twice, with one of them being a fake out to hide her true identity. Never once did I have the thought that a ‘dead’ character could have come back and been the killer in the same film they died in. We never really did see much of her first death, and when she was revealed in the third act, I was really shocked. Why did I actually think it would have been Mindy even though she had been stabbed on the train? I also never learn. Why did I think she would have been dead after a knock to the head and loosing a few teeth? Silly little me.

4. Ethan Landry (Jack Champion)

Our second Ghostface. Stabbed through the mouth. Wow. Gruesome isn’t the word to describe how badly I cringed at this one. Out of the three of them, he definitely put up the biggest fight, and he was the one who came back for one final scare. How, though? I have no idea. He looked pretty dead to me.

3. Detective Wayne Bailey (Dermot Mulroney)

Ghostface number three. His death is rather remniscent of his sons, and by the same hands no less. A lot of stabs and slashes. He really thought that he could pin the kills of this film on Kirby? How dare he, the cheeky shit. I will admit, he did have me second guessing her for a minute, but I knew deep down she wouldn’t have been the one.

2. Anika Kayoko (Devyn Nekoda)

This might be the only death of VI that will have an effect on me the more I watch it. While pretty much all of the deaths on this list are straight to the point, this one was just cruel. It was played out and lowkey made me sad. They way Anika insisted Mindy go first and that she’d be right behind her was something new to the franchise. It was emotional between a couple and you can tell how much it takes a toll on Mindy.

1. Dr. Christopher Stone (Henry Czerny)

For such a small character, Sam’s therapist easily had the best death of the movie; very quick and straight to the point. There’s noting quite like being stabbed through the nose by the person hell bent on tormenting your unstable patient. There have been many comparisons of his deah to a somewhat exploded watermelon, and you know what, I see it.

All the love,

Jade x

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