271. The Weekend (February 2023) by L. H. Stacey

“That Lake. This house. His friends. They all know what happened to my boy. I know they do. And you… you have to help me find the truth… A weekend to remember… Ten years ago, deeply in love, I would have done anything for Thomas Kirkwood. But on the night of our graduation, fuelled by drink and drugs, Thomas’s lifeless body was found floating in the Kirkwood family lake. That weekend changed everything, and I swore I would never return to Kirkwood manor. A weekend to forget… Now, ten years later, I have been invited back to the place that holds such terrible memories for me, to a memorial weekend for Thomas, organised by his still-grieving mother Ada. But this is no ordinary weekend. This is a reunion to catch a killer…and I fear that I could be top of Ada’s list….”

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Publication Date: February 17th 2023

I know this is only my second book of the year, but I’ve not had any luck yet. Again, this is a book I thought I’d love, the setting and synopsis sounding like something I’d usually read, but the execution just wasn’t there in my opinion.

The Weekend tells the story of Elizabeth, formerly Lizzie to her old friend group, as she goes back to her dead ex boyfriend, Thomas’s, family manor for the first time since he died ten summers ago, and she, along with Ada, Thomas’s mother, need to find out who killed him before the weekend she is due to stay ends.

This was a book that I thought I’d love, just like other thrillers with a secluded setting, but my luck just doesn’t seem to be there when it comes to thrillers lately, and I hope that changes soon as it’s my favourite genre!

Thank you to Boldwood Books for the ARC!

All the love,

Jade x

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