265. The Simple Truth (January 2023) by James Buckler

“A young woman is dead. A very wealthy client needs a favour. You’re newly qualified as a lawyer and this could be your big break, so you jump at the chance. The case is about to be closed. All you have to do is talk to a family, ask them to sign some papers. How difficult could it be? Their daughter was found dead at a beauty spot on the outskirts of London in what you’re told was a tragic suicide. Only you can uncover what really happened. But the truth is never that simple. And this case could cost you your life…”

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Publication Date: January 5th 2023

After the mysterious death of a young woman at Coldharbour Marshes, Lewis Miller, new lawyer, is brought onto the case on behalf of the dead woman’s employer, Robert Carlson. Pretty much everyone thinks that Maria Brennan has committed suicide, but her mother knows that no matter what hardships Maria comes across, she would not take her own life. Maria’s mother is adamant that her daughter was murdered.

I’ve never read anything from James Buckler before, so I have nothing to compare this to when it comes to his previous work, but I can say that from reading just this, I do expect his writing style to be the same across everything her has published. He has a compelling way of telling a story, and because of that, this book always held my attention, and we all know how I feel about short chapters, so that was another aspect which I really enjoyed with this story.

I don’t really have much more to say about The Simple Truth, and that may seem like a negative thing, but from what I can remember abut it, I don’t have anything negative to say about it; I enjoyed it front to back. It is your typical thriller with elements that make it its own, and I wish James all the best with its publication next month!

Thank you to Penguin, Transworld for the ARC!

All the love,

Jade x

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