263. The Writing Retreat (February 2023) by Julia Bartz

“Alex has all but given up on her dreams of becoming a published author when she receives a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: attend an exclusive, month-long writing retreat at the estate of feminist horror writer Roza Vallo. Even the knowledge that Wren, her former best friend and current rival, is attending doesn’t dampen her excitement. But when the attendees arrive, Roza drops a bombshell—they must all complete an entire novel from scratch during the next month, and the author of the best one will receive a life-changing seven-figure publishing deal. Determined to win this seemingly impossible contest, Alex buckles down and tries to ignore the strange happenings at the estate, including Roza’s erratic behavior, Wren’s cruel mind games, and the alleged haunting of the mansion itself. But when one of the writers vanishes during a snowstorm, Alex realizes that something very sinister is afoot. With the clock running out, she’s desperate to discover the truth and save herself.”

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Publication Date: February 21st 2023

Trigger Warning: Murder, death, emotional abuse, gun violence, sexual content, gaslighting, child abuse, fire, fire injury

A claustrophobic and propulsive thriller exploring the dark side of friendships and fame, Julia Bartz’s (she/her) The Writing Retreat is the unputdownable debut novel from a compelling new talent.

Talk about something right up my street! I’d say if you enjoyed the recent A24 release, Bodies Bodies Bodies (Halina Reijn), you will highly enjoy the last 20% of this book, and the first 80%, too, if I’m being honest, because if you like anything like that, I’m assuming you like the mystery of a thriller anyway.

From the very first chapter I found myself so interested, and after having read the first 100 pages in the first sitting – purposely keeping myself awake – I knew I was going to be in for a wild ride.

Alex is a writer suffering from a year long streak of writers block, so when she is offered a last minute, once in a life time opportunity, she knows that she needs to find a way to get her mojo back. Her writing idol, Roza Vallo has invited her and a four other women to an exclusive writing retreat at her secluded home, where they must start and finish an entire novel in the month that they are there. Of course, things aren’t plain sailing, and Alex comes across an old friend on the retreat with who she has a rocky past with, so there is that to add to the pressure of the trip.

With twists that I didn’t see coming which lead to even more shocking revelations, The Writing Retreat is definitely one to look out for in the new year!

For her first novel, Bartz has done an amazing job at telling her story and I can safely say I am looking forward to more from her in the future!

Thank you to One World Publications for the ARC!

All the love,

Jade x

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