258. Convenience Store Woman (2016) by Sayaka Murata

“Meet Keiko. Keiko is 36 years old. She’s never had a boyfriend, and she’s been working in the same supermarket for eighteen years. Keiko’s family wishes she’d get a proper job. Her friends wonder why she won’t get married. But Keiko knows what makes her happy, and she’s not going to let anyone come between her and her convenience store…”

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Trigger Warning: misogyny, ableism, sexism, toxic relationship, stalking

I have a goal to read more translated fiction, and this is one of the first few I’ve read. I thought I’d love it, but sometimes life doesn’t go as planned. I don’t know what I expected going into it, and I don’t think it was something that I enjoyed. It was one of those “it’s okay” books for me.

Keiko has been working at the same convenience store for 18 years; ever since she was in college, and has no intention of ever leaving. She is a very reserved character; has never been adventurous, and at 36 years old, she has never had a boyfriend or a ‘proper job’, as those around her like to describe it.

I thought that this book would somehow delve into the horror side of things, but it just stayed plain and simple; a day to day in Keiko’s life, and that’s not something I usually go for when reading, even though I am always saying there needs to be more books like that, and I need to learn to enjoy them when I come across them!

I also don’t think I’m the greatest fan of literary fiction. It’s a genre I’m very much hit and miss with, and I felt like this book tried to fit into that realm of writing.

Overall, this one maybe wasn’t for me, but I do look forward to reading more translated fiction in the future. Hopefully I’ll find one I’ll love!

All the love,

Jade x

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