Top 5 Kills in the Scream Franchise


With 50 or so deaths across 26 years and 5 films, I decided to go through and rank my personal top 5. Just a disclaimer, though; just because these are my personal top 5, does not, at all, mean I agree with them. No thank you.

I also won’t be including the Ghostface deaths either, and I might make that into a post of it’s own in the future… Who am I kidding? Of course I will.

5. Liv McKenzie, Scream (2022)

Liv McKenzie (Sonia Ammar)

Killed by: Amber Freeman

There were plenty of deaths and attacks worth mentioning that came from the new Scream installment, but the fact that Liv was the first one killed after the Ghostface reveal has to count for something. Her death, albeit light speed, is probably one of, if not my favourite, scene from the new film. The way she was adamant that she wasn’t the killer and then Amber was like ‘oh, I know’, bang. Oh my God. Cinema at it’s peak! I haven’t stopped thinking about it since I saw it on opening day.

4. Tatum Riley, Scream (1996)

Tatum Riley (Rose McGowan)

Killed by: Billy Loomis

Tatum Riley is the original ‘it girl’. Okay, maybe not the original, but that doesn’t make her any less amazing. She doesn’t take this scene serious at all until it is too late. I mean, who in their right mind tries to fit through a cat flap in an electronic garage door. Destined for death, the poor bitch. She also gave us the iconic “please don’t kill me Mr. Ghostface, I wanna be in the sequel” line that made it’s rounds on social media not too long ago, which I thought was great.

3. Maureen Evans, Scream 2 (1997)

Maureen Evans (Jada Pinkett Smith)

Killed by: Mickey Altieri

When I tell you that this is one of my favourite opening scenes of the franchise, don’t take it lightly. I mean, imagine begging for help as you’re dying in a cinema and everyone there just assumes it’s a publicity stunt. If Maureen wasn’t literally on deaths door, it would have been a great stunt for the opening night of Stab; letting the audience know what they’re in for before the film had even really started.

2. Casey Becker, Scream (1996)

Casey Becker (Drew Barrymore)

Killed by: Stu Macher (Billy Loomis on the call)

You might think that Casey would be number one on my list, I never shut up about it, but there is another that just passed her. You can’t fault Casey’s death. It’s what started this whole franchise and even if you haven’t seen Scream, there is a very high chance that you will have come across this scene before in one way or another. Absolute icon!

Honourable Mentions

-Wes Hicks, Scream (2022)

Killed by: Amber Freeman

The sheer suspense of this one is what made me decide to include an honourable mention. I love the way they played with the doors and make us think Wes’ death could come at any time. I really like how this one played out. And the actual in and out of the knife… eugh. It’s probably the only death that has actually made me physically cringe.

1. Dewey Riley, Scream (2022)

Dewey Riley (David Arquette)

Killed by: Amber Freeman

I debated on whether to actually put Dewey’s death at number one or not. I’m still not over it. We all knew it was coming; one of the original trio dying in the new film, but when it was actually on screen I was almost crying. I don’t know how he managed to survive this long, or why he still hasn’t grasped the fact that he doesn’t know when to butt out infuriates me. If it was my door that Sam had come knocking on, I would have told her where to go and continuted my secluded life. It still break my heart that Sidney never got to see him before he died. Who knows how long it had been since they last saw each other, she sure sounded surprised on the phone.

Much love,

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