Ranking the Killers in the Scream Franchise


Much like ranking each Scream film, I’ve always thought about ranking the killers, so, of course, what better time than now.This is solely based on personal preference, and not how many each Ghostface has killed, so take that into account when reading.

I will make sure to update this list, along with other posts I’ve posted the past month after the newly greenlit Scream 6 is released, whenever that may be!

As for the who killed who, if nothing is 100% confirmed, such as for Scream (2022), it is who I think killed who.

9. Charlie Walker, Scream 4 (2011)

Rory Culkin as Charlie Walker

Charlie was kind of just there during the fourth film, and while he wasn’t someone that a lot of people expected, it doesn’t mean that he was a shock reveal. I mean, even Jill didn’t seem to want him there, she just used him to get the job done. Throughout the film, I can’t say he’s one of my favourites either, and being the one who attacked Kirby only adds to mmy disliking of him. He only agreed to kill to get on Jill’s good side and hope something came from it.

Who Charlie killed: Marnie Cooper, Olivia Morris, Robbie Mercer

Killed by: Jill Roberts

8. Richie Kirsch, Scream (2022)

Jack Quaid as Richie Kirsch

This one was kind of predictable, which you’ll know why I think why if you read my Scream (2022) review. As for motive, it’s not really a bad one, just not my favourite. I think I’m over the whole boyfriend being at fault in horror movies, and I think that Richie thought that he was living out Stab 1 with going after his girlfriend. It turns out that he knew that Sam was Billy’s daughter because her mother is a drunk, but how did he and Amber know but Tara didn’t? That’s the only thing that trips me up about this film. And to add to that, he was the mastermind but only killed Vince? Come on man, Richie, take a leaf out of Billy’s books and do some of the heavy lifting.

Who Richie killed: Vince Schneider

Killed by: Sam Carpenter

7. Debbie Salt, Scream 2 (1997)

Laurie Metcalf as Debbie Salt

I can fully understand where she’s coming from. Her husband cheated on her with another woman, and said woman’s daughter killed her son, albeit she was never involved in his life after she left town after her husband’s affair. You’d still be mad and want your revenge if someone had killed your son. Along with Richie, she was the mastermind behind it all but only ended up killing one person, and a fan favourite at that.

Who Debbie killed: Randy Meeks

Killed by: Sidney Prescott

6. Roman Bridger, Scream 3 (2000)

Scott Foley as Roman Bridger

I still definitely think that Roman didn’t work alone in the third one, but I just don’t know who else it could have been, maybe Angelina, and she wasn’t ever actually killed. He has a strong motive; probably the strongest of the 9 killers, with his motive being a family matter and all. While a lot of people always seem to have something bad to say about the third film, they can’t argue that Roman and his motive weren’t strong.

Who Roman killed: Christine Hamilton, Cotton Weary, Sarah Darling, Steven Stone, Tom Prinze, Angelina Tyler, Tyson Fox, Jennifer Jolie, John Milton

Killed by: Dewey Riley

5. Amber Freeman, Scream (2022)

Mikey Madison as Amber Freeman

Amber is this high in my ranking soley for her reveal, personally, I think it’s the best of the five films. If you know you know. Out of her and Richie, she is cleary the better of the two, she might be on par with Jill when it comes to craziness. The film even told you from the opening scene that she was the killer, but still, so many people, myself included we’re shocked at her reveal. I still can’t get over how nonchalant she was and how quick of a turn the film took.

Who Amber killed: Judy Hicks, Wes Hicks, Dewey Riley, Liv McKenzie

Killed by: Tara Carpenter

4. Mickey Altieri, Scream 2 (1997)

Timothy Olyphant as Mickey Altieri

Mickey is the only character who I’ve moved around for ages, and I don’t have a solid reason why he’s this high. It might be because he’s Stu 2.0, I don’t know? Aside from Roman, who killed every victim in the third film, Mickey has killed the most, with his partner only killing one. Once I knew that Scream 2 wasn’t playing the boyfriend card, I still wouldn’t have guessed that Mickey could have been the killer, even though all of the evidence was right there, and Randy even ponited it out when he and Dewey were listing their suspects.

Who Mickey killed: Phil Stevens, Maureen Evans, Cici Cooper, Officer Andrews, Officer Richards, Hallie McDaniel, Derek Feldman

Killed by: Sidney Prescott

3. Jill Roberts, Scream 4 (2011)

Emma Roberts as Jill Roberts

Jill could easily hold the top spot, but you just don’t fuck with the original. She is truly psychotic and Emma Roberts plays her so well. Maybe a bit too well, for that matter. If there’s one thing she can do well, it’s play a crazy bitch. Aside from Billy and Stu, she has one of the best motives, and for 2011, it was a good one for the time.

Who Jill killed: Jenny Randall, Rebecca Walters, Ross Hoss, Anthony Perkins, Kate Roberts, Trevor Sheldon

Killed by: Sidney Prescott

2. Billy Loomis, Scream (1996)

Skeet Ulrich as Billy Loomis

Mr. Mommy Issues himself holds second position. The man with the original idea that bloomed into what it is today. The original killers can’t be any lower than first and second position in my opinion; they’re where it all started, and if it wasn’t for Billy, Sidney could have lived a quiet, stress free life. As the brains of the whole operation, I suppose his motive was justified, but it still wasn’t Sidney’s fault that her mother and his father were the way they were. It makes for a good story, though.If

Who Billy killed: Maureen Prescott (before the film), Principal Himbry, Tatum Riley

Killed by: Sidney Prescott

1. Stu Macher, Scream (1996)

Matthew Lillard as Stu Macher

Of course Stu was going to hold the top spot. There’s just something about Matthew Lillard that makes Stu have just that one up on Billy. He plays him so well, and for being a serial killer, he adds just the right amount of comedy to the role too, which is definitely a bonus. He’s not just my favourite though, he seems to be a lot of people’s number one, and for all the right reasons.

Who Stu killed: Maureen Prescott (before the film), Steve Orth, Casey Becker, Kenny Jones

Killed by: Sidney Prescott

Much love,

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