Scream (2022): Were My Theories Right?


If you rewind all the way back to November 17th, 2020, I created a post called It’s A Scream, Baby!: Scream 5 Theories and I thought, why not look back, now that I’ve seen the film, and see if I was anywhere close with my very early theories.

Here we go!

1. One of the Woodsboro Trio Will Die

Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell), Dewey Riley (David Arquette), Gale Weathers-Riley (Courteney Cox)

Wow. I genuinely thought that I would be here writing no, of course not, don’t be so stupid… Are you actually kidding me. I knew I would cry in the cinema for one reason or another, but not for this reason! Dewey has never been the brightest bulb in the box, and he should have listened to Sam when she told her to forget about shooting Ghostface in the head. I actually can’t believe the directors asked him back and told him he was getting killed off.

2. Scream 3 Original Plot

Even I knew that this one was longer than a long shot. I thinl the creators are past the point of Stu returning, even though there are still a lot of us out here still holding onto hope. I think if the original Scream 3 scripts hadn’t leaked, people still wouldn’t be holding onto the fact that Stu might return.

3. Kirby Is Still Alive

Kirby Reed (Hayden Panettiere)

I didn’t clock this, but apparently she might have done, question mark! Apparently, when Richie is doing his research on the Stab franchise, there is a YouTube video with the thumbnail being a photo of Hayden Panettiere, who plays Kirby, which refers to her as a Woodsboro survivor!? And she also receives a special thanks for the photo. This is definitely something I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled for when I next watch it!

4. The Making of a New Stab Movie

No. The Stab franchise seem to be hitting a downfall by the sounds of it, with Stab 8 being the lastest one that has been made, and it is the only one without Sidney in it. The flamethrower/silver Ghostface picture that was going around was taken from a scene in Stab 8, with comments being made that the Stab films should have stopped after the fifth installment. Is this a clue that there are no plans to make a new Scream film? I don’t know.

5. Dewey Has Been Orchestrating The Whole Time

I think this one has already explained itself.

6. Billy Had A Son

He didn’t have a son, but I was half right. He had a daughter instead, and I had been thinking about the possibility of a daughter a few months ago, as well as who they could be, but I didn’t like that idea too much, I thought it would have been a bit too far fetched so I never made it vocal anywhere. Turns out it was true. I think I had convinced myself that if said daughter was going to be anyones, she might have been Stu’s.

7. The Killer Has Been There The Whole Time

One of the killers has only been there for about 6 months, but it is still always someone you know. For this film’s friend group, one of the killers seems to have been there for a while, not sure how long a while is, but they’re definitely not new to Woodsboro. The other killer, however, has only been in out final girl’s life for about 6 months, and of course, is only in her life to try and kill her.

8. Kyle Gallner’s Instagram Handle

Of course not. I knew this one was stupid when I was writing it back in 2020. Kyle Gallner was only in the film so that they had another body in the body count. He really didn’t add much to the film, just a little bit of current boyfriend/ex-boyfriend drama.

So, in total, 2 and a half of my 8 original theories were right. Not bad for someone who is terrible at thinking critically.

Much love,

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