Things You Might Have Missed In The Scream Franchise

*Spoilers for the Scream franchise*

If you’re an avid Scream watcher like me, there might not be much left that you haven’t noticed yet, but if you’re not a die hard fan, there are so many things that you might have missed upon watching the movies.

Here are only a few examples of things you pick up on after the first viewing of the Scream movies.

1. The Foreshadowing of the Two Killers

In both Scream (1996) and Scream 2 (1997), there is a scene that foreshadows the fact that there are two killers. When Principle Himby (Henry Winkler) discovers that people have been going around the school pranking people with the Ghostface mask on, there are two students with the masks on, foreshadowing Billy (Skeet Ulrich) and Stu’s (Matthew Lillard) reveal. The same things happens in the opening scenes of Scream 2, with 2 Ghostfaces in the bathroom when Phil (Omar Epps) uses it, leading to him being the first killed.

2. Wes Craven’s Cameos

Wes himself has cameos in the first 3 movies, with a cameo in a deleted scene in Scream 4 (2011). He plays an uncredited doctor in Scream 2, and it is a blink and you’ll miss it scene, as well as his cameo in Scream 3 (2000), where he is a tourist on set of Stab 3, along with Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith as their characters Jay and Silent Bob. His most known cameo being the iconic one in the first movie, and if you don’t already know it’s there, it’ll most likely pass over your head. He is dressed as Freddy Krueger, playing ‘Fred the Janitor’, as a homage to A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), which he also directed.

Wes Craven paying homage to Freddy Krueger

3. Stu Was The One Who Attacked Sidney For The First Time

While this has not been confirmed, fans have speculated that Matthew Lillard’s character, Stu, was the first one to attack Sidney (Neve Campbell). Again, another blink and you’ll miss it scene. The night Sidney is attacked, she manages to hit Ghostface across the head, and the day after, we see Stu looking in a mirror by their lockers. I for one, definitely think that this means he’s the one who carried out the attack while Billy was the one on the phone, and this is the way of indirectly showing it.

4. “Who’s Gonna Play You?”

In the first movie, when the Ghostface case begins to blow up, Tatum (Rose McGowan) asks Sidney, “if they made a movie about you, who’s gonna play you?” to which she replies, “with my luck, they’d cast Tori Spelling.” And who ends up playing her in Stab, a movie about her? Tori Spelling. I know this has only been done becuase of this small conversation, but it’s a cool thing to pick up on after watching the movies over again.

Tori Spelling as Sidney in Stab

5. Mickey Revealing Himself as Ghostface

Scream 2 features a little throwback to the first film, with Mickey Altieri (Timothy Olyphant), one of the killers in the second movie, delivering the same line as Stu Macher did in the first movie when they both revealed themselves as one of the killers. It’s purely coincidental on the characters’ behalf, because how would Mickey know this is what Stu said, unless it was in Gale’s book and he, for some reason, read it.

6. Sidney and Gale are Unlucky Omens

Both Scream and Scream 2 have a scene where Sidney and Gale (Courteny Cox) are standing with another surviving character, who eventually ends up dying in the next movie, and the next to die in the middle each time. In Scream, they are seen standing with Randy (Jamie Kennedy), who ends up getting murdered by Ghostface in Scream 2. In Scream 2, Sidney and Gale are seen standing with Cotton Weary (Liev Schreiber), and, you guessed it, he dies in Scream 3. One of the first, to be exact. This might just be a coincidence and not intentional, but who knows for sure. It’s a bit weird if you ask me.

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