149. P.S. I Still Love You (2015) by Jenny Han

Rating: 5 stars

“Lara Jean didn’t expect to really fall for Peter. They had just been pretending. Except suddenly they weren’t. Now Lara Jean is more confused than ever.Then another boy from her past returns to her life, and Lara Jean’s feelings for him return too. Can a girl be in love with two boys at the same time?”

Another 5 star read by Jenny Han, and I am not mad about it. I can safely say that I love this series, and I don’t expect anything less from the next book, the final in the trilogy. Yet again, it is a book that I managed to fly through, and I love it when you can be so immersed in a book that you read it in such a short period of time. I’m such a sucker for a cute contemporary read, and I always will be, no matter my age.

In this book, we are properly introduced to John Ambrose McClaren, and he is such a sweet person, especially to Lara Jean, and as much as I came to love him, I am obliged to root for Lara Jean and Peter, even though he does come off as an arrogant prick sometimes, but I would be lying if I said that there weren’t times that I was rooting for John throughout this one. The love triangle in this book seemed to work a lot better than the one in the first book, and both of the characters were actually likeable in their own ways, unlike Josh in the first book, I just never liked him.

This book sees Peter and Lara Jean signing another contract, but this time they’re actually dating, and not just faking it, and there is something so innocent about them having another contract but for a different reason this time, but Peter is still hanging around with his ex, Genevieve, which is a huge insecurity for Lara Jean, and he seems to be hiding this from her, which is him breaking the contract. Their relationship is a bit rocky and far from perfect, but there are things that cause them to break up, only for them to get back together again at the end of the book.

Even though we all know that they are going to end up together in the end, there are times that make you feel like they won’t and during these times, Peter begins to treat Lara Jean like she is a second choice and there are so many ways in which he couls improve his act to make her more secure in their relationship. He can’t expect her to keep taking him back every time he is a shitty person towards her. It’s times like this when I thought that John would be the better choice for Lara Jean, but it was always obvious where it was going to end up.

I thought that the way that things ended with John was a bit abrupt, and I don’t know if I see him coming back or not, which is a shame because he is a good character, and if that was the last of him, it was a pretty dull way to say goodbye to him

As much as I do love these books, they are still somewhat toxic, and could potentially promote toxicity in relationships if you looked into it hard enough. There were some cases where I picked up on this, but there are probably a lot more instances.

As always, I look forward to reading the next one, and I have high hopes for it, being the final in the trilogy and all.

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