128. The Shadowhunter’s Codex (2015) by Cassandra Clare

Rating: 4 stars

“The Clave is pleased to announce the newest edition of the Nephilim’s oldest and most famous training manual: the Shadowhunter’s Codex. Since the thirteenth century, the Codex has been the young Shadowhunter’s best friend. When you’re being swarmed by demons it can be easy to forget the finer points of obscure demon languages or the fastest way to stop an attack of Raum demons. With the Codex by your side, you never have to worry.”

This is going to be a short one as I feel I can’t really review it as it was basically just additional information to the Shadow World, and it doesn’t really tell a story.

I absolutely love the fact that we have our own little guide to being a Shadowhunter! It’s so amazing and I adore the illustrations and annotations throughout to give it an actual textbook vibe that has been used plenty of times before hand. I never really thought that I would enjoy reading it before I actually did as it wasn’t a story, but I love that we can see the annotations, and sometimes, conversations between Clary, Jace, and Simon throughout the book. It is also a really nice addition to my ever growing Shadowhunter collection.

This book has all the information that you need to know about the Shadow World, and it could even be helpful to have it so you can keep yourself straight with all of the information that is included in all of the Shadowhunter series.

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